2004-12-12 17:02:28 UTC
I felt the same way about it myself until I went to the website. They
have some pretty convincing news video reports from USA. One in
particular (Fox News) was quite interesting, it featured the Colarado
Police actually testing it under there own conditions and quite openly
proclaiming that their cameras could not pick up the plate
registration after the spray was used.
Who knows, but I always say don't knock it until you try it.
Take a look for yourself
have some pretty convincing news video reports from USA. One in
particular (Fox News) was quite interesting, it featured the Colarado
Police actually testing it under there own conditions and quite openly
proclaiming that their cameras could not pick up the plate
registration after the spray was used.
Who knows, but I always say don't knock it until you try it.
Take a look for yourself